Friday, June 12, 2015

wedding ceremony

I attend the wedding ceremony of one of my colleagues today. We are good friends. The groom is my friend, and the bride is beautiful. Every time, when I attend the wedding ceremony or watch the CD of my friend’s' wedding ceremony, I feel very excited and I will be moved every time. I think the wedding ceremony is the most exciting moment. When I attend the wedding ceremony every time, I will imagine my wedding ceremony. 
I will be crying at my wedding ceremony at the sight of my parents. In my opinion, the wedding ceremony is not only a ceremony for two one in love, but also a ceremony for bride and groom to show their gratitude to their parents. After the ceremony, the bride will leave her parents and she will have another new family--only her and her husband. After the ceremony, the groom will build a new family for him and her bride, and he will take the responsibility of a husband to look after her bride and realize his promise: live her a good life. 

The ceremony is very holy thing. Every time I attend the wedding ceremony, I am moved and my eyes will be filled with tears. Hope every bride and groom will live a good life, and share bitter and honey things together. Wish each pair of lovers be happy.

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